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Radiation safety by NOXX

Radiation safety by NOXX

A summary of the work that we do. 

The Radiation Protection Experts (RPE’s) of NOXX radiation safety services work for (or have worked for) a multitude of companies and organizations. Sometimes our projects are of a temporary kind with a clear start and endpoint. Obtaining a radiation permit is a clear example of such a project. In other cases our work is recurring where for example we perform radiation safety checks on a yearly basis. Below we summarize some of the projects NOXX radiation safety services was hired for.

Radiation safety expert (RPE) for Maasziekenhuis Pantein in Boxmeer (NL)

Maasziekenhuis Pantein

  • Maintenance of radiation permit
  • Supervising the safe use of medical diagnostic x-ray
  • Assessment of risks and plans
  • Consultancy during purchasing and implementation of new x-ray machines
  • Applying for new radiation permit
  • Management of safety for workers and patients

  • Hiring radiation protection expert for use of DEXA-scanner voor research purposes at HAN Seneca in Nijmegen (NL)

  • Creation of a new risk analysis following changes in Dutch law
  • Training personnel in safe use of DEXA-scanner
  • Update of legal documents
  • Consultancy voor local radiation specialist (RPO)

  • Obtaining and implementation radiation safety program C-arm at Echozorg in Hoorn (NL)

  • Obtaining radiation permit
  • Training personnel in safe use of C-arm
  • Setting up legal administration
  • Performing a transmission calculation report
  • Creation of risk analysis

  • Quarterly checks and managing of radiation permits for STERIS in Ede, Etten-Leur and Venlo (NL)

  • Obtaining radiation permit for the Venlo office and management of existing permits
  • Management of administration and quarterly checks of HASS-sources
  • Periodic checks of procedures and locations
  • Performing transmission calculation reports for a new factory in Venlo
  • Creation of risk analysis
  • Setting up company-wide radiation administration system